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Wiky Magnetotherapy: Ultramagnetic Back Brace
Warranty: 2 years
Recommended for back pain caused by sciatica, hernias, etc., useful for preventing whiplash in susceptible individuals. Made of poly-ceramic at the ultra far infrared with 10 neodymium permanent magnets coated with gold to 2000 Gauss
Magnetotherapy: Stop to the Back Pain!
It is useful for back pain caused by: lumbago, back pain or herniated disc.
The strip should be positioned about the area, with the gray fabric side towards the skin and maintained if necessary even at night.
For who sufferers of back pain conditions, sciatica, hernia disc, etc. .. must be maintained on the painful area until it has produced the analgesic effect, the application time can vary from a few hours to several days.
In subjects with seasonal, periodic or frequent pain, can be used as a preventive measure to avoid the onset of pain. Useful for those who do heavy work, for long distance running on motorbike o ride long distance horseback, etc.
The magnetic field with permanent magnets, has historical origins away. In China it was used for many years before the birth of Jesus Christ. References in this regard are found in the works of Plato, Aristotle and Homer. Many experts and scientists in various Eastern and Western countries, have designed and conducted experiments on biomagnetism, but only after 1940, the worldwide search has begun the science phase on magnetic therapy that has produced texts that systematically validate the beneficial effects on plants, animals and humans.
The effects of magnetic therapy are not magical or miraculous but are well anchored to the science of the human body because the cells are small natural magnet with a north pole and a south pole, and how these are influenced, for better or for worse, by magnetic fields external, natural or artificial. Furthermore, all functions are ruled by magnetic and electrical impulses, without which no man could live.
The electrocardiogram in fact is nothing other than the biomagnetism of the heart, such as the electro-encephalogram it is of the brain. It is not difficult, then, to understand why the external magnetic fields can affect the work of the cells to correct organic imbalances. The French doctor Jean-Pierre Floril while controlling hospitalized patients in the sanatorium of Grenoble, he noticed that their most serious disturbances always coincided with important changes in the Earth's geomagnetism.