For your peace of mind we decided to use PayPal and Stripe for online payments, which will guarantee transactions in total security.
The payment information transmitted via the Internet is encrypted, meaning that when you decide to pay by credit card or PayPal you will be transferred directly to their websites to make the payment. The amount of your order will be repaid in full in case of failure to dispatch.
In no event AC3WeB srls will have knowledge direct or indirect of neither of your card number, nor it will store any data on any system. We will be informed only of the successful result of the transaction. In case you're 100% sure to enter your credit card number over the Internet you can always choose to pay by bank transfer or cash.


The data supplied by you (hereinafter "Data") in the appropriate sections of the site will be treated in compliance with the Law and the obligations of confidentiality under Article 13 of Law. June n. 196 dated 30, 2003, (which refers to the "Personal data processing Code ").
We inform you of the following:

The data will be processed for the following purposes: accounting, taxation, business, marketing, statistics, sending out of information on services and features of the site www.storeforwellness.com The data will be processed for purposes of sending advertising material by mail only to those users who agreed with their membership to receive newsletters.

In relation to the stated purpose, the Data Handling will be carried out using computer and/or electronic or paper form, in any case still using instruments that guarantee security and confidentiality.
Responsible for these data are AC3WeB srls with headquarters in Via Don Bartolomeo Grazioli 34, 46100 Mantova (MN), in the person of the legal representative.
The customer, at any time, has the right to withdraw his consent to the processing of the personal data by written notice sent to the AC3WeB headquarters The customer, who claims to have received the information pursuant to Art. 13 and belonging to the same rights under Article. 7 of D.Lgs. N. 196/2003, has the right to access their data in the manner specified therein.

The data can be communicated for the purpose of treatment listed above, to individuals or legal persons, entities or consortia, appointed by AC3WeB to provide processing services, or instrumental support to those of AC3Web, in particular: companies that provide computer services, accounting, business, management, insurance, banking and financial experts, consultants, lawyers, associations and government departments. May also be communicated to subsidiaries linked, even indirectly, to AC3WeB for the same purposes listed above. The data will never be disclosed to outside companies for purposes other than those specified and in particular will not be disclosed to outside companies that have the purpose to use them for sending promotional or advertising material or direct sales business. A detailed list of those to whom the data may be communicated, is available at the offices of AC3WeB

Please note that AC3WeB srls is not the holder of the processing of sensitive data (pursuant to art. 22 of the Act) so please do not put in the boxes all the personal data revealing ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, political opinions, membership of political parties, unions and associations or organizations religious, philosophical, political or trade union, and disclosing health and sexual life.

We draw to your attention the fact the fabbricabenessere web site uses the cookie technology in order to facilitate the users login. These cookies may be disabled by removing the acceptance of cookies in your browser.

Disabling cookies, however, allows the completion of orders and to use all the features of the site, with the sole exception of the automatic login to the site in return. In addition to the data provided by the customer by filling out the form on the site, www.storeforwellness.com keeps track of the navigation data in order to provide the feature called "Products and categories visited" These data are recorded only for users who have logged in, either manually or automatically.

The user who does not wish to record data can avoid navigating the site anonymously and log in only at time of order. The user can at any time request the cancellation of the data.

AC3WeB informs you that, in relation to the above data treatment, you may exercise your rights under art. 13 of the Act, including, in particular, the right to know your personal records, the updating, rectification or integration, to oppose to unlawful data processing of for purposes other than those indicated in this statement. For any application you can write to us using our “Contact” form.

AC3WeB lastly informs you that, the transfer of your data is optional. However, the refusal to authorize the data treatment and the communication to the subjects belonging to the above categories will result in the inability to perform the required purchase.